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ART 200: "Robert Rauschenberg - Pop Art Pioneer" Viewing.

"Alastair Sooke celebrates the protean genius of one of America's most prolific and original artists, Robert Rauschenberg. Fearless and influential, he blazed a trail for artists in the second half of the 20th century, and yet his work is rarely seen here in the UK."

This documentary offered an interesting view into the work that Rauschenberg produced, paying homage to the resourceful, "in the moment" attitude he implemented throughout his artistic practice. the "Combine" collection seemed to reflect his dedicated work ethic the most, the materials and processes, as well as the concepts behind his work were groundbreaking at the time, but was misunderstood and ridiculed by most, particularly the abstract expressionists who dominated the art scene in New York in the 1950's and 60's.

There were some important ideals and inspirational aspects to take from this documentary, Raushenberg's work ethic and thought process was very unique, it's something that we can all admire regardless of your preferences or what you're doing currently. The way he implemented print into his work and the use of photography is also something I want to try and experiment with when I have some time to spare next week.


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