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Stage 3 Research: Matt Stokes.

"His works are often context-specific; he immerses himself in a setting and area of interest, through which collaborations with informal communities arise. After a process of collecting stories, information and materials related to their histories and values, Stokes produces artworks that depart from his research and take on a conceptual and aesthetic life of their own through films, installations and events." (

'Real Arcadia', 2003 (Ongoing).

'Real Arcadia', 2003 (Ongoing).

'Real Arcadia', 2003 (Ongoing).

During a tutorial, the work of Matt Stokes (b.1973) was mentioned, due to my attempts in visually contextualising a subculture/movement. Stokes' creative process spoke volumes to me; in order to understand these underground subcultures you have to immerse yourself. Attempt to channel the creative energies and identities present in these environments, use it as a catalyst for your practice.

His presentation of sculpture and memoribilia ('ephemera') are great at helping guide the audience into these wild and complex subcultures; creating an atmosphere. It is something I hope to achieve in my own practice, particularly the degree show.

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